Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 33-The Mannitol PR Broth results were - on the Gram positive bacteria,which made my + Bacteria: Bacillus Cereus, and it also was negative on my Citrate test, which resulted in E.Coli on my Gram - test.The EMB test turned out metallic green,which meant my E.coli results were correct

EMB test
Citrate Test

Mannitol PR Broth

Day 32-Ran a EMB test on the Gram - Bacteria to see if I had E.coli.Incubated test for 24hrs.

Day 31-Ran the VP test on both Bacterias and waited a 1hr for the results,VP was negative on Gram - Bacteria and positive on Gram + Bacteria,Did the Mannitol Pr Broth test on Gram + and incubated for 48hrs.Ran the Citrate test on the Gram - Bacteria,incubated for 48hrs.

VP Test for Gram -

VP Test for Gram +

Day 30-Still waiting on the VP results

Day 29-On the gram + the starch test was + and on the gram -,the lactose pr broth was was +,the next test on both bacterias was the VP test,incubated the VP for 48 hrs on both tests

Starch Test

Lactose PR Broth for Gram -

Day 28-The Hemolysis test results were + on the Gram positive test

Hemolysis Test

Day 27-On the Gram +,I did a Hemolysis and starch test and incubated the hemolysis for 24 hrs and the starch for 48 hrs.The TSI test was negative for H2s,the next test was MacConkey which it had growth,next test was a Oxidase on Gram - and the results were negative.On Gram neg, the next test was Lactose Broth,incubated for 48 hrs.

Oxidase Test